Celebrity diet secrets

Need to get into shape? Take your cues from those who advise Australia's rich and famous.

Every celebrity has a little black book filled with the names of their secret slimming gurus. Here's who Australia's A-list turn to when they need to shape up for the red carpet.

The doctor

A nondescript building in Sydney's CBD is where the rich and famous go to transform their bodies. Dr Brian Sproule's miracle makeover comes in the form of vitamin injections, used in the USA by Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Charlize Theron and Britney Spears.
While Dr Sproule won't divulge his magic formula, he admits it includes the "energy" vitamin B12. "Most of my patients say they get a pick-me-up in the first 48 hours and I tell them to exploit that and exercise as much as they can. The injection also promotes the breakdown of fat cells."
Dr Sproule says the jabs are personalised to suit the individual and are offered in conjunction with a diet and exercise program. While there are no human studies to prove their effectiveness, he says the proof is on the scales. "It's extremely easy to get large quantities of weight off in a short amount of time, but the trick is to maintain that."
Dr Sproule says he can't reveal the names of his famous patients, but they are believed to include the who's who of the film, TV and music industry. He does stints in London and says he arranges special appointments for celebrities to ensure their privacy. "Very famous people are very discreet about medical procedures. A lot of these people are worried about it being leaked to the media."

Where to find him: 195 Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW, (02) 9233 4765.

The detox guru

When celebrities need to detox, they turn to holistic medicine guru, Indian-born Nishi Joshi, who first came to attention as Princess Diana's diet saviour. These days, Joshi's clients include Cate Blanchett, Kylie Minogue, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Moss, who swear by his strict regime of no dairy, wheat, sugar, alcohol, coffee, red meat or potatoes. Joshi also offers ayurvedic medicine, acupuncture and cupping, which he says aids the metabolism and banishes those sweet cravings.
Based in London, he has a loyal Aussie clientele who book in to see him while filming or holidaying. Others follow his book, Dr Joshi's Holistic Detox: 21 Days To A Healthier, Slimmer You - For Life (Hachette Australia). The plan promises transformation in three weeks by avoiding acidic, toxic and refined foods so that the body's pH balance becomes alkaline.

The colonic therapist

For flawless skin and a flat stomach before a red-carpet event, celebrities book in for colonic irrigation therapy. The 45-minute procedure claims to rid your body of toxins, which kick-starts weight loss and boosts energy. Brad Pitt, Tara Reid, Ben Affleck, Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston and Lindsay Lohan rely on regular colon cleansing to keep them on the go, so to speak. Sydney's Colon Care Centre in Surry Hills has a celebrity clientele said to include Cate Blanchett and her hubby, Andrew Upton.

Where to find it: 
410 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills NSW, (02) 9211 1174.

The body shapers

The trainer to the stars, Michael Ryan is a Sydney-based personal gym master who put Hugh Jackman through his paces while he was living in Sydney. Ryan put Jackman on 90-minute gym workouts, which comprised a mix of cardio and weights. Jackman was also known to frequent City Gym, in East Sydney, a haven for stars of the entertainment industry, including Joel Edgerton. Personal trainer Sam Karam, who works out of City Gym, is said to be responsible for slimming and toning fashion designer Alex Perry and musician and Delta Goodrem's other half, Brian McFadden.

The dietitian

Sydney dietitian Arlene Normand is famous for her no-nonsense, "tough love" approach to dieting, and has helped celebrities such as media personality Adam Spencer lose weight. She is said to be feared by ladies who lunch on both sides of the Harbour Bridge.

"Portion control is crucial," says Normand. "Make sure that whatever you eat goes on a plate, then sit down at a table to eat it. This way, you tend to eat less." Normand also advocates the French way of dining: "Take breaks between each course. If you eat too fast, you often end up eating too much."

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